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Boost your company’s management.

You can increase field team productivity through MDM.

pulsus para gestao 1

More control and management:

With Pulsus, you follow how corporate smartphones and tablets are being used by the field team. With this, you can manage:

  • Activating or blocking apps across the platform.
  • Activating or blocking access to websites on the device.
  • Contact list to receive and make calls.
  • Privacy and information security.

pulsus gestao geolocalizacao e rastreamento dispositivos

Geolocation and device tracking:

With Pulsus, you can easily track and locate mobile devices, increasing the security and productivity of your business.

  • Location monitoring
  • Mobile device tracking
  • Increased productivity
  • User information, Phone Model, Operating System Version, Operator and much more

Driver Mode:

With the manager, you lock and release applications according to the speed (km/h) of movement.

  • Locking the mobile device while driving
  • Release of GPS applications
  • Control of application usage according to speed (km/h)

pulsus gestao modo motorista2

Other benefits of Pulsus:

icon distribuicao arquivos

File distribution
and communication

Speed up the exchange of information and data through the MDM solution. Distribute files (videos, photos, and documents) remotely and massively and select which type of network shall be used for download (mobile or Wi-Fi only).

icon dashboards relatorios


Generate reports for inventory, app installation, geolocation versus cellular signal level, and various other combinations.

Why does managing mobile devices with Pulsus make a difference?

Check out some of our cases:


Translovato Transportes

Discover how Pulsus changed the the operation of Translovato Transportes, reducing its cost and increasing efficiency.

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Infoco Distribuidora

Check out the benefits gained by Infoco Distribuidora with the adoption of the Pulsus Mobile Device Manager.

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ferragem negrao pulsus

Ferragens Negrão

See How Ferragens Negrão optimized the management of over 1300 corporate mobile devices with help from Pulsus.

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