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Learn how the most substantial international technology conference in Brazil will be and how Pulsus, the only EMM solution in the country with the Android Enterprise Recommended  Companies and people who are redefining the global technology industry will be gathering from May 1-4 in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to share knowledge and exchange experiences on solutions and consumer behavior that will drive the trends for the next few years. As the only solution provider in Latin America and one of the ten global EMM companies with the Android Enterprise Recommended seal from Google, Pulsus will be present at the...

*By Vinícius Boemeke The first sessions of Mobile World Congress 2023 already reveal the humanization of technology. Discussions that were previously based on hardware, infrastructure and protocols now begin to look at the impact of technology on our lives, in the field of entertainment, health, finance, etc. With that, the term collaboration was brought up by several representatives, who reinforced the need not only for operators, large companies and developers to interact more, but also for this approximation to occur between the telcos.  Of course, the basis of this focus on people is supported by technology, but now it comes as an enabler...

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