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See how Pulsus, one of 10 global EMM solutions certified by Google, provides security and efficiency to companies with different mobility demands With the evolution of new technologies in recent years, the world has changed, and so have people's behavior and habits regarding work, leisure, and consumption issues. The increasing demand for online products and services makes many companies accelerate their digital transformation processes to satisfy the customer and establish themselves in the market as a brand in line with the current times. Not all of them succeed. Sometimes it can be complicated to make the transition to the mobile universe. Regardless of...

*By Vinícius Boemeke Google is always surprising. Those who participated in the 2022 edition of the Mobile World Congress should remember that last year we were impacted by a hall of experiences from the technology giant showing not only punctual functionalities of its new devices and operating systems, but also the integration among them for a better usability.  This movement was also marked by important changes in the market, such as the fact that Samsung changed the operating system of smartwatches in the Galaxy line from a proprietary OS to use Google's version - Wear OS.  What practical effects does this change have for...

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