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Case Infoco Distribuidora

Learn how Infoco used the Pulsus MDM solution to customize its devices, reducing the number of support calls, as well as their data plan and battery consumption.

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The company works with the distribution of wholesale products for small, medium and large client brands. It is currently present in over 100 cities all over Brazil.

Infoco Distribuidora,, located in Barueri (SP), works in the distribution of wholesale products for small, medium and large client brands. It is present in over 100 cities. Before using Pulsus’ solution, the company did not have any method to control the use of the devices.

“The volume of support calls made by the field team using the mobile devices was reduced by 90%.”

The main reasons that made the company look for a mobile device management solution were battery and data plan consumption. Without control of the devices’ use, these resources were consumed very fast.

Benefits of Mobile Device Management

With the Pulsus solution, Infoco Distribuidora customized its devices, restricting the use of some apps. Device management lowered significantly battery and data plan consumption.

Besides that, customization and blocking of some features used by the team reduced the need for support related to device configuration.

Another important feature for Infoco Distribuidora is geolocation. With the use of this capability of the tool, it is possible to track the field team’s routes.

“Pulsus offered a much more attractive pricing, while delivering the functionalities that the company needed”

Lower battery consumption

Economy in battery consumption for devices in the field

Lower data plan usage

Reduction in consumption and expenses with data plans

Less need for support

Considerable reduction in the number of calls to the company’s support team

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