• Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Spanish

Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy is intended to reaffirm Pulsus’ commitment to privacy and data protection of its users, establishing rules within the scope of the services and features of the Platform, in accordance with the laws in effect, with transparency and clarity in relation to the users and the market in general.

As a condition for the access and use of the platform, the user must be aware that he/she completed a full and attentive reading of this Privacy Policy, giving his/her free and express agreement with the terms here established.


1.1. The data is collected when entered in the trial registration of the platform, or submitted voluntarily in one of our forms;

Data is collected in the following places:

1.1.1 Trial Registration – https://app.pulsus.mobi/signup/?language=en;

1.1.2 Quotation Form;

1.1.3 Contact Form in https://pulsus.mobi/en/contacting-pulsus/

1.2. The only data collected before any action of sending are the IP address, geolocation and browser/operating system information. See our Cookie Policy;

1.3. The information we collect in the platform trial registration and forms are:

1.3.1 Full name;

1.3.2 Telephone;

1.3.3 Company name;

1.3.4 Corporate E-mail.

1.4. We are not responsible for the accuracy, veracity or lack thereof in information provided by our user or for this information being updated, when it’s the user’s responsibility to provide them with accuracy and update them;

1.5. The activities that the platform may register include:

a) IP address, logical port of origin of users and geolocation;

b) Actions carried out by users on the platform;

c) Screens accessed by users;

d) Dates and times of each activity performed, as well as the user access to the platform;

e) Data about the device used by the user, in particular: operating system version, browser, geolocation and other installed applications, if necessary;

f) Session ID of users, when available;

g) History of operations performed;

h) Behaviors identified in interactions with the platform.

1.6. The platform may also make use of technologies like:

a) Cookies – it is the user’s responsibility to configure his/her Internet browser to block them. In this case, some features of the platform may be limited;

b) Web Beacons – to collect user behavior data on access to pages, where the installation of files in the devices may not be required;

c) Other technologies for obtaining user navigation data.

1.7. It is important to note that, once on the website or on the Pulsus platform, the user may be conducted, via link, content or services, to other portals and platforms, which may collect his/her information and have their own Privacy Policy;

1.7.1 It is the user’s responsibility to read the Privacy Policy of such platforms outside the environment of the website and the Pulsus platform and it is also the user’s responsibility to accept or reject it;

1.7.2 Pulsus is not responsible for the Privacy Policy or content of any websites, content or services located outside of its environments.


2.1. The data collected and the records of user activities may be used for the following purposes:

2.1.1 Identify and authenticate them appropriately, in addition to processing activity in the account used for access;

2.1.2 Allow the Sales team and Pulsus’ partners to make contact;

2.1.3 For the user to receive notifications and platform updates via e-mail;

2.1.4 For the user to receive promotional and commercial e-mails;

2.1.5 Provide user support, including answers and questions about the platform and the company;

2.1.6 Optimize and improve the user experience in the website and platform;

2.1.7 Develop statistics, studies and research relevant to the activities of user behavior during the use of the website and platform;

2.1.8 Promote content, products and services from Pulsus through channels such as social networks, Google and the Pulsus blog;

2.1.9 Inform users about news, features, contents and other events relevant to maintaining the relationship between the user and the company;

2.1.10 To safeguard the rights and obligations of Pulsus related to the use of the platform;

2.1.11 As evidence in cases of unlawful acts, or acts contrary to this Privacy Policy and any other legal document made available by Pulsus, in case of improper changes in their systems, records or actions that may jeopardize the platform and its users;

2.1.12 To enrich the Pulsus database and prevent the occurrence of fraud.

2.2. Highlights about the consent:

2.2.1 The consent for the purposes of use of the data will be collected on an individual basis, and the user is not required to grant his/her consent to any of them; If the user does not grant his/her consent for the purposes directly related to the provision of services by Pulsus, services will not be provided; If the user does not grant his/her consent to the optional purposes, the provision of services by Pulsus will continue being made regularly;

2.2.2 The user can change his/her consent by opening a trouble ticket in Pulsus’ support area and may grant new permissions or withdraw his/her consent to the current permissions, being warned of the consequences that the withdrawal of consent can cause;

2.3. The data collected and recorded activities can also be shared:

2.3.1 CWith the competent governmental judicial or administrative authorities, whenever there is a requisition or court order;

2.3.2 Automatically, in case of corporate changes, such as mergers, acquisitions and incorporations;

2.4. The database formed by the platform’s data collection is the property and responsibility of Pulsus. The use, access and sharing of such data, where necessary, will be made within the limits and purpose of Pulsus. Therefore, to provide its services, Pulsus can transfer this data to customers and suppliers within the limits of this Privacy Policy, as well as to the authorities whenever formally and legally requested;

2.5. Our user is responsible for the confidentiality of his/her personal data. Sharing of passwords and access data violates the Privacy Policy of our platform and services;

2.6. Internally, the data of our users are accessed only by professionals authorized by Pulsus, respecting the principles of proportionality, necessity and relevance to the objectives of Pulsus, besides the commitment to confidentiality and privacy preservation in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy.


3.1. The collected data will be stored in a safe environment and controlled for a minimum of six months, under the Brazilian Internet Use Civil Framework, observing the available state of the art. However, considering that no security system is infallible, Pulsus disclaims any responsibility for any damages and/or losses arising from faults, viruses or intrusions in the Pulsus database, except in cases in which there is deceit or guilt;

3.1.1 Data can be erased before six months, at the request of the user, and if there is no legal obligation to keep these data stored;

3.1.2 Anonymized data may be retained by the Pulsus for more than six months;

3.2. The collected data will be stored on private servers hired by Pulsus, with no way of sharing with third parties. These data can be accessed at the user’s request or can be deleted as per request via email: suporte@pulsus.mobi/english.


4.1 Users may request to view or change personal information through their accounts or support tools made available by Pulsus;

4.2 AWhen contacting the Support area, users may request a limitation on the use of their personal data;

4.3 The user can express opposition or the exclusion of the use of personal data collected and recorded by Pulsus;

4.4 Once the contract between the user and Pulsus is finished, all accounts are frozen and access is limited;

4.5 Pulsus may (for the purposes of auditing, security, fraud control and preservation of rights) retain the history of user data records for a period longer than the established by law or by regulatory standard.


5.1. The platform does not use any type of automated decision that impacts the user;

5.2. We may change the content of this Privacy Policy at any time, according to the purpose or necessity, as well as for adjustment and legal compliance to a provision of law or norm that has equivalent legal force, being the user’s responsibility to verify it whenever accessing the Pulsus platform;

5.2.1 In the event of occurring significant updates that require obtaining a new consent, Pulsus will notify the user by the contact means provided by him/her;

5.3. If you have questions about this policy, contact Pulsus through the service channel: https://pulsus.mobi/en/contacting-pulsus/;

5.4. If there are third party companies that perform the processing of any data collected by Pulsus, they must necessarily comply with the conditions and standards of Information Security of the company stipulated herein;
5.5. If any provision of this Privacy Policy is deemed unlawful or illegitimate by an authority of the local in which our user resides, or of his/her Internet connection, the other conditions will remain in full force and effect;

5.6. The user acknowledges that all communication conducted by email (to the addresses informed in the registration), SMS, instant messaging applications or any other digital and virtual form are also valid, effective and sufficient for the disclosure of any subject which refers to services provided by Pulsus, as well as the conditions of its provision or any other subject addressed in it, except for expressly different clauses in this Privacy Policy.


6.1. For the purposes of this document, you must consider the following definitions and descriptions for better understanding:

Web Beacons – programs that aim at monitoring a user’s navigation on a web page;

Cloud Computing – service virtualization technology, built from the interconnection of two or more servers through a common information network (the Internet), in order to reduce costs and increase the availability of sustained services.

Cookies – files sent by the platform server to the users’ computer, in order to identify the computer and get access data, such as browsed pages or accessed links, allowing the customization of the users’ navigation in the platform, according to their profile;

Access Account – a user credential for using, accessing restricted areas and unique features of the platform offered by Pulsus;

Internet Protocol (IP) – an alphanumeric set that identifies the users’ devices on the Internet;

LOGS – records of the user’s activities performed in the Pulsus platform;

PlatformPulsus web Environment, where all services are available;

Session ID – Identification of the user’s session when access to the restricted area is made;

Users – People who access or interact with the activities offered by the Pulsus platform.


7.1. This Privacy Policy will be governed by and construed in accordance with Brazilian law, in the Portuguese language, with the jurisdiction of the domicile of the user being elected to resolve any dispute or controversy involving this document, unless under a specific exception of personal competence, territorial or functional nature is presented by applicable law.

Thank you for the attention. Welcome to Pulsus!



1.1 O PULSUS é um software desenvolvido pela MDM Soluções LTDA para controle e monitoramento de Dispositivos Móveis Inteligentes operando no conceito de computação em nuvem e software como serviço.


2.1 O usuário ao concordar com as condições deste termo ativa a licença de uso do software para acesso através da internet via portal da CONTRATADA, bem como dos aplicativos baixados para os dispositivos móveis a serem gerenciados pelo software.

2.2 A licença de uso e a documentação do software são acessados através de credenciais, login e senha, criadas no momento do cadastro no portal do Software.

2.3. A credencial de acesso é pessoal e intransferível, sendo o usuário credenciado o único responsável pelas operações feitas no sistema a partir de seu Login e senha, devendo desta forma zelar pela guarda destas informações a fim de evitar violação de seus dados e informações.

2.4 Caso seja necessário, incluir novos usuários, é possível autorizar e cadastrar novas credenciais, ficando, porém, o primeiro usuário credenciado como responsável por todas as operações e uso dos novos usuários.

2.5 Ao clicar no botão “Aceito” na etapa de contratação da licença, o usuário assume que tem habilitação para este fim identificando-se como representante da empresa CONTRATANTE e que concorda integralmente com os termos e condições do presente Termo de Uso.


3.1 O usuário credenciado é responsável pela implantação, que corresponde ao conjunto de atividades de planejamento, preparação, digitação das informações inerentes, necessárias para parametrização e configuração do software.

3.2 A empresa usuária é responsável pela aquisição e disponibilização dos dispositivos móveis a serem gerenciados pelo software.

3.3 A MDM Soluções Ltda manterá back-up diário dos dados de usuários e dispositivos cadastrados.

3.4 A MDM Soluções não se responsabiliza por qualquer ocorrência causada pelo mau uso da ferramenta, falhas de comunicação ou qualquer outra ocorrência que possa afetar o uso dos dispositivos móveis.

3.5 A qualquer momento é possível cancelar as credenciais de utilização do Serviço e proceder o cancelamento do mesmo durante o período de trial.


4.1 Ambas as partes devem manter sigilo sobre as informações pertinentes à licença, uso do software, características técnicas e dados cadastrais dos usuários.

4.2 A desenvolvedora poderá incluir em seus materiais informativos e promocionais a logomarca da empresa usuária, informando que a mesma é “usuária” dos produtos objeto deste Termo de Uso, não ferindo, portanto tal procedimento, as obrigações de sigilo previstas, exceto que haja manifestação expressa impedindo esta divulgação.

4.3 O usuário cadastrado é responsável pelo resguardo de todos os direitos da MDM Solutions sobre o SOFTWARE cujo uso lhe é licenciado, responsabilizando-se integralmente pelo uso do mesmo de forma a impedir cópia, distribuição, uso de engenharia reversa, ou qualquer outra ação que viole a integridade ou os direitos do desenvolvedor sobre o software.


5.1 A MDM Soluções Ltda é a única proprietária de todos os direitos, títulos e interesses, incluindo os relacionados com Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual, aos serviços e todas as sugestões, ideias, solicitações de melhoria, comentários, recomendações ou outras informações fornecidas pelo Usuário ou qualquer outra parte relativa ao Serviço.

5.2. Este Termo de Uso não é um contrato de compra e venda e, logo, não confere qualquer direito de propriedade relacionado com os softwares e serviços prestados pela MDM Soluções Ltda, nem acesso a códigos fontes dos softwares e aplicativos contratados

5.3 Os nomes e logotipos da MDM Soluções Ltda e seus produtos são marcas comerciais própria não sendo concedida qualquer direito ou licença para uso dos mesmos sem sem licença prévia.


6.1 Para dirimir litígios emergentes ou quaisquer controvérsias do presente termo, as partes elegem o Foro Central da Comarca de São Paulo-SP, com expressa renúncia a outro qualquer, por mais privilegiado que se apresente.

Controle sua privacidade
Controle sua privacidade: A Pulsus utiliza cookies para otimizar sua experiência durante a navegação, mas você pode otimizar suas preferências clicando em minhas opções.

Política de Privacidade - Termos de Uso